Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Hike to the Lighthouse

Spectacular view!!!!

Isn't it crazy how beautiful the water is???

This is where the girls saw the whale

These creepy spiders were EVERYWHERE!!!  :p

I didn't get a picture of the girls at the top of the hill because it was a small area and there were a bunch of guys there.  At the top, we found locks on the fence. Gab said it was to signify their love would be locked forever - or something like that :p  I thought it was sweet!!!


We were able to see some monk seals and sea turtles while we were in Hawaii.  The girls got to see a whale (I unfortunately wasn't looking :( )

Oh, and we can't forget....the house gecko!!!


We went hiking up Diamond Head Mountain.  The hike was about 1.5 miles but it took about 2 hrs because it was very steep!!!

When we arrived, we were greeted with rescue trucks.  I thought they were there as a precaution but they were there to rescue someone from the mountain.  Oh my....what were we in for????  :-O

Even though we saw someone get rescued...we were brave and continued our journey!

The view was amazing!!!  The hike was only about 1.5 miles round trip but it took up probably an hour to go up.  And I mean UP!!!!

Here was one look out.  It was a great place to catch our breath!!!

One of the last things we had to do before we reached the top was climb these 99 stairs and then go through a dark tunnel (which was about .5 miles) and then up a spiral staircase and then climb out this "space" (for lack of a better word).

To tell the truth, I cried when I got to the top.  I've never been on a hike like that and the view was SPECTACULAR!!!!  I've never seen such beauty!!!!

Going down was as easy as pie!!!!


I told the girls to act as though they were tired.  Becky said she couldn't because she was excited to get "Shave Ice".

 Shave Ice!!!