Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Photo Shoot

A friend from LHJ Photography asked if my girls to do a "Sister" photo shoot.  Here's a sampling of her AWESOME work!


The girls and I went to Boston on Thursday to see the Boston Symphony Orchestra's holiday concert.  We had such a fun time.

Breakfast on the train

Cool looking church

Tuna called Sis "City Girl" because she just walked
on ahead :)

All of the alley were numbered

The Goorin Bros. are "Bold Hatmakers"

This clothing store had about a hundred
old fashion sewing machines displayed in their window

Georgetown Cupcakes

Pretty sweet Kitchen Aid mixer
Sooo cute!!!!


Starbucks and cupcakes!


Waiting in the subway

Boston Symphony Orchestra ♫

My Lovelies ♥

Monday, December 16, 2013

I haven't blogged in a while so I thought I'd do one of all my favorite memories.

There really wouldn't be a memory without the O's!

Sis and I catching snow on our tongues.
Elias being a superman!
Took us (me) to get on the tree!
Being ourselves!!!

New year's eve at church.Played games with Luke, Sarah, and Emily.

There are tons more but can't find them right now.

Who else can you throw ice with at 12:00 AM?
Sword fight in the parking lot?
Or even dress up as knights and maidens?
                                                These are my memories and I wouldn't swap any of them.                                                   .

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Bible Character Night

Master Club had Bible Character Night!  It was a BIG hit!!!

I asked Tuna who she was going as.  She replied "Hannah.  I'm going as myself" :P

It's not a blog post unless the O's are in a pic! :D


Master Club Teachers/helper

Gab was Queen Candace of Ethopia

Festival of Lights

On Friday, we went to the aquarium and Mystic Village with the O Fam (as usual).  We had a FUNTASTIC time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got the kids some fun glasses.  When you look at lights, snowman, snowflakes or gingerbread people would show up - pretty cool!  :D

I always try to get a group picture when we're together! ♥

Elias and Gid being tooo cute!!!!

Poor kids!!!  The brass ensemble was looking for kids to "help"
play Jingle Bells and I said to the O kids..."COME ON.....LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!"
Now they know how Gabbie and Tuna felt :p lol



Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Decorating the Tree

The girls did all of the decorating this year.  They did a GREAT job!!!!
Ornaments that the girls made me several years ago

It originally said Gabrielle.  I painted the top silver and wrote the correct
spelling of Gab's name :)

Tuna doing some unpacking

The tallest person gets to put the star on the tree.  That be Gab! :)

Sad, worn out ornament :(

Tuna was VERY HAPPY to find Bumble

We have these cool glasses that make the lights look like snowflakes

Our blurry tree :)

My Girlies ♥